Mission Statement
To provide the academic community, policy-makers, and industry with rigorous and innovative methods to measure the factory-to-fork dynamics and trends in the food supply in various countries across the globe. Our major goals are to reduce diet-related disparities in health, prevent obesity and diet- and obesity-related non-communicable diseases by contributing to the creation of a more healthful food system and food environment.
What We Do
GFRP works towards our mission by developing in-depth longitudinal research, collaborating with partners across the globe, and providing technical assistance to universities, organizations, and governments on large-scale obesity prevention efforts. A hallmark of our research has been understanding how changes in nutrition-related behaviors affect various socioeconomic strata of society and how healthfulness of these behaviors and outcomes affect disparities. Historically, we have focused on in-depth studies of dietary and food purchasing patterns trends, race-ethnic and income disparities, and the role of an array of policies, programs, taxes on food purchases and diets.
Recent News
In collaboration with Vital Strategies, a leading global public health organization, the Global Food Research Program at UNC has published ‘What’s in Our Food? A guide to introducing effective front-of-package nutrient labels.’
The new guide assists countries in taking up this cost-effective, high impact strategy to combat obesity. Read more.
Contact Us
(919) 962-6142
Carolina Population Center
CB # 8120
University of North Carolina
Chapel Hill, NC 27516