
Peruvian flag

Facing similar issues to its neighboring countries of rising overweight and obesity rates and shifts in eating patterns towards more sugary drinks and ultra-processed foods, Peru has implemented a set of policies to combat these trends: a sugary drink tax and mandatory front-of-package warning label system (modeled after the Chilean label).

Our evaluation work began before the law was implemented and will continue for 3 years. Our evaluation work has five components to examine:

  1. Implementation of the FOP warning labels law in Peru. We will use qualitative interviews with key stakeholders to highlight the key facilitators and barriers of the FOP law implementation;
  2. Changes in the healthfulness of the food supply following introduction of FOP warning labels;
  3. Changes in mothers’ attitudes towards, knowledge about, and perceptions of unhealthy and healthy foods along with their awareness and usage of FOP warning labels in urban and rural areas;
  4. Changes in household food purchases of regulated (ie, with warning labels on packages) and unregulated foods and beverages after introduction of the FOP warning labels law, overall and by socio-economic status; and
  5. Changes in taxed and untaxed beverage purchases after the SSB tax, overall and by socio-economic status. This evaluation will look at both the 2018-19 SSB tax shift and the additional changes implemented in 2019.


Supreme Decree 091-2018-EF | Implemented May 1, 2018

Supreme Decree 091-2018-EF

Prior to May 2018, Peru taxed all beverages with added sugar, sweeteners, or flavorings at a rate of 17%. Beginning May 2018, the tax was increased to 25% for drinks containing >6 grams total sugar per 100 mL, while all other drinks with added sugar/sweeteners/flavorings (containing <6 g sugar/100 mL) remained at the 17% tax rate.

In June 2019, Peru modified the tax again by decreasing the rate on drinks containing <0.5 g sugar/100 mL to 12%, while drinks containing 0.5–6 g/100 mL remained at the 17% rate. Plain water, 100% juices, plain milk, and drinkable yogurts were always and remain untaxed.

In September 2021, the upper sugar threshold was lowered from 6 grams to 5 grams per 100 mL (Supreme Decree No. 266-2021-EF). This brought the sugar threshold in alignment with the final "high in sugar" threshold for beverages under Peru's front-of-package warning label law.

Currently, processed beverages with added sugar, sweeteners, or flavoring are taxed at one of three levels:

  • 25% ad valorem tax on drinks containing >5 g sugar/100 mL (increase from 17% rate)
  • 17% ad valorem tax on drinks containing 0.5–5 g sugar/100 mL
  • 12% ad valorem tax on drinks containing <0.5 g sugar/100 mL (decrease from 17%)

Exempt: Plain water, 100% juice, plain milk, and drinkable yogurts

Read law in: English, 2018 | English, 2019 | Spanish, 2021 update

Law on the Promotion of a Healthy Diet (Law 30021 / Supreme Decree No. 012-2018-SA) | Implemented June 1, 2019

Decree on Health Warnings on the Promotion of Healthy Eating among Children and Adolescents

  • Front-of-package warning labels: Processed foods and beverages with total sugar, saturated fat, or sodium content exceeding set thresholds and/or containing any added trans fats must carry black octagon “stop sign” warning labels for each nutrient in excess of thresholds.
  • Inclusion of warnings in other media:
    • Ads with fixed and moving images will carry warnings.
    • Radio and audiovisual media: warnings must be clearly, prominently and understandably recorded.
Peru Warning Labels

In-Country Team Leads


  • Factors Associated With Screen Time Among Preschool Children in Lima, Peru
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    Published in: Child Care, Health, and Development, September 5, 2024
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  • Design and approval of the nutritional warnings policy in Peru: Milestones, key stakeholders, and policy drivers for its approval
    Authors: Francisco Diez-Canseco, Victoria Cavero, Juan Alvarez Cano, Lorena Saavedra-Garcia, Lindsey Smith Taillie, Francesca R. Dillman Carpentier, J. Jaime Miranda
    Published in: PLOS Global Public Health, June 16, 2023 view full text

  • Employment and wage effects of sugar-sweetened beverage taxes and front-of-package warning label regulations on the food and beverage industry: Evidence from Peru
    Authors: Juan-José Díaz, Alan Sánchez, Francisco Diez-Canseco, J. Jaime Miranda, Barry
    M. Popkin

    Published in: Food Policy, January 20, 2023 view full text

  • Reformulation of top-selling processed and ultra-processed foods and beverages in the Peruvian food supply after front-of-package warning label policy
    Authors: Lorena Saavedra-Garcia, Mayra Meza-Hernández, Francisco Diez-Canseco, Lindsey Smith Taillie
    Published in: International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, December 27, 2022 view full text

  • Sugar-sweetened beverage purchases in urban Peru before the implementation of taxation and warning label policies: a baseline study
    Authors: Caitlin M. Lowery, Lorena Saavedra-Garcia, Francisco Diez-Canseco, María Kathia Cárdenas, J. Jaime Miranda, Lindsey Smith Taillie
    Published in: BMC Public Health, December 20, 2022 view full text

  • A research agenda to guide progress on childhood obesity prevention in Latin America
    Authors: Kline L, Jones-Smith J, Jaime Miranda J, Pratt M, Reis RS, Juan A. Rivera, Sallis JF, Barry M. Popkin.
    Published in: Obesity Reviews, July 2017 view full text

  • Nutrition status of children in Latin America
    Authors: Corvalán C, Garmendia ML, Jones-Smith J, Lutter CK, Miranda JJ, Lilia S. Pedraza, Barry M. Popkin, Ramirez-Zea M, Salvo D, Stein AD.
    Published in: Obesity Reviews, July 2017 view full text