Phobe Ruggles headshot

Phoebe Ruggles

FERN Intern Coordinator

Phoebe is a doctoral student in Health Behavior at the UNC-Chapel Hill’s Gillings School of Global Public Health. Her research centers on the impact of alcohol, tobacco, and food/beverage marketing on health behaviors, with the overall goal of informing evidence based marketing restriction policies. At GFRP, Phoebe has worked as a research assistant on several food marketing and labeling studies. Additionally, Phoebe assists with the FERN program as intern coordinator.

When I’m in a time crunch, I love to make… miso soup with tofu, greens, and udon! Takes 15 minutes from start to finish with minimal clean up and lots of umami flavor.

Foods I must have in my home are… coffee, frozen veggies, & hot sauce (preferably Yellowbird).

My favorite food for winter is… French onion soup with LOTS of Gruyère cheese and a crusty piece of bread.

GFRP Publications

The impact of an eco-score label on US consumers' perceptions of environmental sustainability and intentions to purchase food: a randomized experiment.
Authors: Lindsey Smith Taillie, Julia Wolfson, Carmen Prestemon, Maxime Bercholz, Laina Ewoldt, Phoebe Ruggles, Marissa Hall
Published in: PLOS One, June 27, 2024 view full text

Examining the effects of brand and licensed characters on parents' perceptions of children's breakfast cereals
Authors: Phoebe Ruggles, Lindsey Smith Taillie, Cristina Lee, Carmen Prestemon, Emily Duffy, Carlos Rojas, Marissa Hall
Published in: Appetite. June 14, 2024 view full text

Understanding Whether Price Tag Messaging Can Amplify the Benefits of Taxes: An Online Experiment.
Authors: Marissa Hall, Phoebe Ruggles, Katherine McNeel, Carmen Prestemon, Cristina Lee, Caitlin Lowery, Aline D'Angelo Campos, Lindsey Smith Taillie
Published In: American Journal Of Preventative Medicine, January 7, 2024 view full text